Call for applications for permits to operate stalls in the Farmers Market

Call for application

The Malta Food Agency notifies that applications will be received from those wishing to be considered for the role of permit holders at the Farmers Market in Ta’ Qali and Kottonera from 3rd February 2025 to 3rd March 2025. Copies of the call information document and application may be downloaded from the Malta Food Agency website or collected in person from the Market Regulation Office of the Malta Food Agency in Triq il-Pitkali, Attard. Applications together with the requested documents can be sent via email address [email protected] or delivered in person to the same office between 8.00 am and 12.00 pm from Monday to Friday.

Download Call information document
Download Application form
Download Farmers Market Permit Conditions 2025
Download Farmers Market Crop Plan 2025

Sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet ta’ permess biex jiġu operati posti fil-Farmers Market

Sejħa għal applikazzjonijiet

Il-Malta Food Agency tgħarraf li se tkun qed tilqa’ applikazzjonijiet minn dawk li jixtiequ jkunu kkunsidrati għall-irwol ta’ detentur ta’ permess ta’ posta fil-Farmers Market f’Ta’ Qali u fil-Kottonera mit-3 ta’ Frar 2025 sat-3 ta’ Marzu 2025. Kopji tad-dokument bl-informazzjoni dwar is-sejħa u l-applikazzjoni jistgħu jitniżżlu mill-websajt tal-Malta Food Agency jew jinġabru personalment mill-Uffiċċju tal-Market Regulation tal-Malta Food Agency fi Triq il-Pitkali, Ħ’Attard. L-applikazzjonijiet flimkien mad-dokumenti mitluba jistgħu jintbagħtu permezz tal-indirizz elettroniku [email protected] jew jinġiebu personalment fl-istess uffiċċju bejn it-8.00 am u 12.00 pm mit-Tnejn sal-Ġimgħa.

Niżżel Formula tal-Applikazzjoni għas-Suq tal-Bdiewa 2025
Niżżel Sejħa għal Applikazzjonijiet – Farmers Market 2025
Niżżel Kopja tal-Kundizzjonijiet tal-Permess tal-Farmers Market 2025

Malta Food Agency participates in the Annual General Assembly of the World Farmers

Annual General Assembly of the World Farmers

The Malta Food Agency participated in the Annual General Assembly of the World Farmers Market Coalition in Rome, marking its first year as a member. The event brought together entities responsible for organizing farmers markets from 60 countries worldwide. Maltese products typically found in local farmers markets were exhibited.

This year’s theme focused on the preservation of food biodiversity and the importance of small local farmers. Participants engaged in various discussions on innovative ideas related to produce, marketing, management, and other aspects that contribute to the improvement of farmers markets. This new international collaboration represents a significant step forward.

Annual General Assembly of the World Farmers

Annual General Assembly of the World Farmers
Annual General Assembly of the World Farmers

Pitkalija welcomes young students of the Mediterranean Culinary Academy

Pitkalija welcomes students of the Mediterranean Culinary

The Pitkalija welcomed the young students of the Mediterranean Culinary Academy for a visit, showcasing the journey of fresh produce from arrival to distribution. They delved into the market operations to logistics, developing an appreciation for local farmers. This experience highlighted the importance of sustainability and local sourcing in Mediterranean cuisine.

Pitkalija welcomes students of the Mediterranean Culinary

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Malta Enterprise

MOU with Malta Enterprise

The Malta Food Agency signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Malta Enterprise to collaboratively identify and develop initiatives that support the agriculture and aquaculture sectors, and to pave the way for further collaboration in the future. This partnership will offer new support and create significant opportunities for entrepreneurs, farmers, fishermen, and local food producers.

Participation in several workshops

participation in several workshops

In June, representatives from the Malta Food Agency, along with a representative from the MAFA, participated in several workshops and training aimed to harmonize the implementation of marketing standards of fresh fruits and vegetables, organized by the Kwaliteits Controle Bureau (KCB) and the OECD in The Netherlands.

Rebuying the used Pitklija Big Crates

Rebuying the used Pitkalija crates

The Malta Food Agency is launching a scheme to buy back the used Ptkalija big crates for EU 8 each.

The crates need to be in good condition, so that after a cleaning process, they can be reissued for use by the farmer.

All those interested may contact us or visit the Pitkalija Customer Care office or the Pitkalija Crates section between 7am – 3pm.

For more information you may call on 2292 6110/6112

World Farmers Markets Coalition (WorldFMC)

World Farmers Markets Coalition (WorldFMC)

The Malta Food Agency is in the process of becoming a member of the World Farmers Markets Coalition (WorldFMC), a non-profit organisation headquartered in Rome. The coalition represents over 70 associations across 50 countries, comprising 20,000 farmers markets, 200,000 farming families, and over 300 million consumers. It aims to foster a global community of farmers markets by sharing best practices, defending endangered markets, and advocating for the benefits of local produce.

The WorldFMC serves as a voice for farmers, producers, and communities involved in farmers markets worldwide.

Expression of Interest for Hosting of Vending Machines at Pitkalija


Malta Food Agency – MFA/03/2024
The Chief Executive Officer, Malta Food Agency, notifies that tenders will be received till 12.00 noon of Friday 31st May 2024.

All tenders must be received by date and time indicated and deposited in the tender box at the
Malta Food Agency’s at Ta’Qali Fruit & Vegetables Market Pitkali Road Ta’ Qali, L/O Attard ATD4000.
Tender documents can be collected free of charge from Malta Food Agency’s Customer Care Section
at Ta’Qali Fruit & Vegetables Market Pitkali Road Ta’ Qali, L/O Attard ATD4000.
Email: [email protected]

Barra minn Xtutna

Barra minn Xtutna

The Malta Food Agency has a new initiative with the aim of building partnerships in the global market to increasing the presence of local products, and improve access to international markets for artisanal food producers.

If you feel that you have good products for export, please contact the Malta Food Agency at [email protected]
Alternatively, complete this form, and we will contact you.

Training session on project development and EU funding applications

Training session

We attended a training session on project development and EU funding applications organised by Servizzi Ewropej f’Malta (SEM) in collaboration with Public Services (IPS). This activity helped participants familiarise themselves with matters pertaining to fund applications. These efforts continue to strengthen the possibility of securing funds that could prove beneficial for the local producer.