At the Malta Food Agency, we got together to raise awareness for Movember and support men’s health.
A huge thank you to all the workers who joined, donated and also enjoyed some good food for a meaningful cause. Together, we can make a difference!
Successful Living Lab Event!
The Living Lab organised by Malta Food Agency and Malta Enterprise brought together stakeholders from diverse sectors for collaborative dialogues
Continue readingJoin us for the second edition of Festa Ikel Malti!
On October 20, from 10 am to 5 pm at Pitkalija, Attard.
Celebrate Malta’s rich culinary heritage with a day filled with traditional Maltese food, fresh produce, and exciting activities for all ages. Discover a variety of exhibitors offering local products, delicious food and drinks, and the best from local businesses and organisations.
About Malta Food Agency: The Malta Food Agency supports local farmers and fisheries and promotes Maltese products. Events like Festa Ikel Malti showcase the diversity of local cuisine and sustainable practices.
See you there!
Ingħaqad magħna għat-tieni edizzjoni ta’ Festa Ikel Malti!
Fl-20 ta’ Ottubru, mill-10 ta’ filgħodu sal-5 ta’ waranofsinhar fil-Pitkalija, Ħ’Attard.
Iċċelebra l-wirt kulinarju għani ta’ Malta b’ġurnata mimlija ikel tradizzjonali Malti, prodotti friski, u attivitajiet għal kull età. Skopri varjetà ta’ esebituri li joffru prodotti lokali, ikel u xorb delizzjuż, u l-aqwa minn negozji u organizzazzjonijiet lokali.
Dwar Malta Food Agency: L-Malta Food Agency tappoġġja lill-bdiewa u sajjieda lokali u tippromwovi il-prodotti Maltin. Avvenimenti bħall-Festa Ikel Malti juru d-diversità tal-kċina lokali u l-prattiki sostenibbli.
Narawkom hemm!
Promoting Extra Virgin Olive Oil
An event at the Farmers Market Ta’ Qali dedicated to promoting Extra Virgin Olive Oil, emphasizing its benefits and uses. The occasion featured prizes, food, and informative sessions. We thank the third year students of BSc. (Hons) Home Economics and Erasmus for their valuable contributions and active participation, along with the collaboration of Koperattiva Produtturi taż-Żebbuġ Limited.
Avviż: Pixkerija Ħinijiet ta’ Ftuħ
Avviż: Pitkalija Ħinijiet ta’ Ftuħ
Farmers Market Kottonera – 29 ta’ Lulju
Nhar is-Sibt 29 ta’ Lulju, nistidnukom tingħaqdu magħna u mad-Direttorat għall-Promozzjoni tas-Saħħa u Prevenzjoni tal-mard, ġewwa l-Farmers Market Kottonera, fi Triq il-Ġublew tal-Fidda, Birgu.
Id-Direttorat għall-Promozzjoni tas-Saħħa u Prevenzjoni tal-mard ser ikunu preżenti biex jaqsmku magħkom informazzjoni, kif ukoll ser ikunu qed iqassmu xi affarijiet lill-konsumaturi. Narawkom.
Imniedi proġett pilota li se jkompli jsaħħaħ il-prodott lokali tal-bdiewa.
Il-Ministru Anton Refalo ħabbar it-tnedija ta’ proġett pilota, hekk kif imwiegħed fil-manifest elettorali, li permezz tiegħu ser jsaħħaħ u jkompli jagħti identità lill-prodott lokali tal-bdiewa Maltin u Għawdxin.
Permezz tal-proġett pilota, ser jiġi introdott tikkettar li jidentifika l-istabbilimenti li jagħmlu użu minn prodotti lokali. Fost dawn l-istabbilimenti hemm ristoranti, ħwienet tal-merċa u anke agri-turiżmu li jbiegħu, jipproċessaw jew iservu ħaxix li jkun tkabbar b’metodi li jkollhom ftit jew xejn impatt fuq l-ambjent.
Recognition of Malta Food Agency’s achievements by local organisations
Malta Food Agency, established in 2021, is built around three pillars, which are markets, business development and digitalisation, with the aim of achieving the vision of “leading quality and valuable local food products to different markets”.
Even if still in its inception, it has already attained a number of achievements towards local food producers and society. One of these is the implementation of a holistic reform within the Ta’ Qali Fruit and Vegetables Market, also known as Pitkalija.
As a result, Malta Food Agency’s achievements have been recognised by different local organisations.
These include the National Supporting Business Awards 2022 for the category “Supporting the sustainable transition”, for the transition process achieved through the Pitkalija reform. The award came with a donation of €8,000, which the agency forwarded to the Equal Partners Foundation.
The agency was also awarded the Best Use of Technology in Business Transformation Award for the digital transformation achieved in the aforementioned reform. The eBusiness Awards organised by aim to acknowledge unique and innovative ideas and initiatives in the use of web-based technologies and eBusiness for businesses and society at large. Read more
Malta Food Agency team up with Soup Kitchen
The Malta Food Agency has teamed up with Soup Kitchen in the ‘Save the Food’ app, an excellent initiative to help reduce food waste and support local communities.
Through this app, fruit and vegetables that remain inside the Pitkalija will be donated to entities distributing food to those in need.
This initiative goes hand in hand with the agency’s strategy to reduce food waste and the digitalisation strategy so that the agency continues to operate transparently and effectively with new technologies.