The Malta Food Agency will be present at Agrifair 2022
The Malta Food Agency will be present at Agrifair 2022, organized by the Government of Malta, Ministry For Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Animal Rights.. Everyone is invited to visit our stand at Agrifair on the 20th, 21st & 22nd May 2022.
Book your appointment with us to discuss ideas and business opportunities in the food sector.
Call on: +356 2292 6704 or email on: [email protected]
Grading & Packaging
The Malta Food Agency, in partnership with the Farmers Central Cooperative Society Limited, is working on a project to implement a grading and packing station at the Pitkalija. This Grading and Packaging station will be focused on potatoes and onions. The intention is to start the process of having the Pitkalija products be better presented and packaged in a more consumer-friendly manner. The project is underway, and the Agency has already identified the machinery and location.
Local Meets International
L-istudenti tal-Baċelerat fix-Xjenza fil Home Economics — BSc (Hons) Home Economics taħt is-superviżjoni tal-Prof. Suzanne Piscopo u Dr. Erika Pace, bil-kollaborazzjoni tal-Malta Food Agency u l-bdiewa tal-Farmers’ Market, Ta’ Qali fit-28 ta’ Mejju ser jorganizzaw attività bil-għan li inti l-konsumatur jieħu ideat kif jista’ juża l-prodott agrikolu lokali biex jipproduċi ikel bnin u frisk. Ejja l-Farmers’ Market, Ta’ Qali iltaqa’ mal-bdiewa/sajjieda/produtturi u għaqdiet tal-produtturi, ixtri u ipparteċipa fl-attività.
Is-Suq tal-Bdiewa ta’ Ta’ Qali jarma kull nhar ta’ Tlieta u s-Sibt mis-7:00 sas-13:00.
Post: Faċċata tal-Klinika ta’ l-annimali San Franġisk.
Ixtri prodotti agrikoli lokali, frisk u ta’ l-istaġun direttament mingħand il-bidwi/sajjied/produttu/għaqdiet tal-produtturi stess – Farmers’Market/Swieq tal-Bdiewa
Ftuħ uffiċjali tal-faċilita’ l-ġdida tal-ħasil tal-kaxxi
Bi pjaċir ilqajna fosta lill-Ministru Anton Refalo għall-ftuħ uffiċjali tal-faċilita’ l-ġdida tal-ħasil tal-kaxxi. Dan huwa wieħed mill-investimenti importanti li għamlet il-Malta Food Agency li minnu ser igawdu l-bdiewa tagħna kif ukoll il-konsumtur Malti.
Ħabbarna wkoll ‘App’ ġdida bl-isem ta’ li permezz tagħha kull bidwi se jkun jista’ jaċċessa l-informazzjoni personali tiegħu, fosthom kemm inbiegħ il-prodott tiegħu.
Web-App Buyers
The Agency is working on the development on a web application aimed to enable buyers to know what products they have purchased, prices, credit terms and dues. Through the app, buyers will have the functionality to pay online. This app is scheduled to be launched in the next months.
Core IT System at Pitkalija
Technology is at the very core of the Malta Food Agency with major developments in information technology embarked at the Pitkalija in recent years. These include the implementation of a core information technology solution to manage all the deliveries and sales. The solution provides control and management of a cash office to debtors and creditors.
The Agency intends to continue to add functionality. The next phase is to implement handheld devices to record sales in real time. Testing on this system has already been initiated. There is also a plan to have the crates management be fully automated.
The app was launched in April 2022. This app provides farmers with information about their sales and payments received and dues. The Agency intends to push for more functionality in the coming months, mainly by providing more farmers’ related information through this app.